The Linux Wiki

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A (Basic) Linux Knowledge Bank

Welcome to The Linux Wiki, a generalist System Administrator resource focused on Red Hat Enterprise Linux™ release 8, including derivatives of RHEL such as CentOS, Rocky and Alma Linux. It also provides some knowledge on HPC, and keeps learning notes on AWS and Raspberry Pi. Existing material on CentOS or RHEL EOL versions will not be maintained any more. This is always a "work in progress"!
Filesystem operations
cdChange directory
chattrChange file attributes on a Linux file system
chgrpChange group ownership.
chmodChange file mode bits
chownChange file owner and group
cpCopy files and directories
dfReport file system disk space usage
duEstimate file space usage
findSearch for files in a directory hierarchy
lsList directory contents
mkdirMake directories
mvMove (rename) files
pwdPrint name of current/working directory
rmRemove files or directories
Operations on files
bzip2A block-sorting file compressor
catConcatenate files and print on the standard output
cmpCompare two files byte by byte
commCompare two sorted files line by line
cutRemove sections from each line of files
diffCompare files line by line
fdupesfinds duplicate files in a given set of directories
fileDetermine file type
grepPrint lines matching a pattern
gzipThe GNU data compression program
headOutput the first part of files
hexdumpDisplay file contents in ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, or octal
joinJoin lines of two files on a common field
lastOutput the last part of files
lessFile perusal filter
more File perusal filter
pasteMerge lines of files.
sedStream editor for filtering and transforming text
sortSort lines of text files
statDisplay file or file system status
stringsPrint the strings of printable characters in files
tailOutput the last part of files
tarTape archiver
teeread from standard input and write to standard output and files
trTranslate or delete characters
wcPrint newline, word, and byte counts
xzFile compressor
Networking Tools
ethtoolDisplay or change ethernet card settings
hostnameShow or set the system's host name.
ifconfigConfigure a network interface
iftopDisplay bandwidth usage on an interface by host
ipShow / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
ncatConcatenate and redirect sockets
netstatPrint network connections, routing tables, interface statistics,
masquerade connections, and multicast memberships
nmapNetwork exploration tool and security / port scanner
pingSend ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
ssAnother utility to investigate sockets
tcpdumpdump traffic on a network
traceroutePrint the route packets trace to network host
Processes toolset
atopAdvanced System & Process Monitor
htopInteractive process viewer
killSignal / terminate a process
lsofLists open files
niceRun a program with modified scheduling priority
psReport a snapshot of the current processes
pgrep / pkillLook up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
pidofFind the process ID of a running program
pstreeDisplay a tree of processes
reniceAlter priority of running processes
topDisplay Linux processes
User Management
chageChange user password expiry information
fingerUser information lookup program
getentGet entries from Name Service Switch libraries
groupaddAdd group
idPrint real and effective user and group IDs
passwdSet password
suRun a command with substitute user and group ID
sudoAllows restricted root access for specified users
useraddAdd user
userdelDelete user
usermodModify a user account
wShow who is logged in and what are they doing
whoShow who is logged in
HAProxyTCP/HTTP proxy and load balancer
httpdThe Apache web server
PHPPHP scripting language
MySQLMySQL/MariaDB Database
nginxHTTP and reverse proxy server
PostgreSQLPostgres Database
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
Internet tools
curlTransfer a URL
digDNS lookup utility
hostDNS lookup utility
linksCharacter mode WWW browser
nslookupQuery Internet name servers interactively
wgetThe non-interactive network downloader
whoisClient for the whois directory service
Scripting and Programming
awkA pattern scanning and processing language
perlPractical Extraction and Report Language
bash PLBash (scripting)
PythonAn interpreted, interactive, object-oriented
programming language
bashGNU Bourne-Again SHell
zshZ shell
Version control
RCSRevision Control System
gitFast Version Control System
subversionThe subversion Version Control System
Hardware queries
inxiCommand line system information script for console and IRC
lscpuDisplay information about the CPU architecture
lshwList hardware
lspciList all PCI devices
lsusbList USB devices
lstopoShow the topology of the system
Services management
chkconfigUpdates and queries runlevel information for system services (legacy)
serviceRun a System V init script (legacy)
systemctl Control the systemd system and service manager
Disk & filesystem stuff
LVMLVM2 tools
NFSNetwork File System
automountManage autofs mount points
exportfsMaintain table of exported NFS file systems
fdiskManipulate disk partition table
gdiskManipulate disk partition table
mountMount a filesystem
partedPartition Editor
Frequently used network clients
ftpFile Transfer Protocol
rsyncRemote (and local) file-copying tool
scpSecure Copy
sftpSecure file transfer program
sshSecure shell
telnetUser interface to the TELNET protocol
Frequently used utilities
expectA program-script interaction and testing utility
manAn interface to the on-line reference manuals
multitailBrowse through several files at once
screenScreen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
scriptMake typescript of terminal session
Package Management
dnfPackage Manager
rpmRPM Package Manager
yumYellowdog Updater Modified
Configuration Management

Knowledge Bank


  • All the information here is presented without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy. Use it at your own risk. When in doubt, please consult the man pages or the GNU info pages as the authoritative references.
  • Some contents created starting 2024 are produced or enhanced by AI tools such as Chat GPT, Microsoft Copilot, or

Iterate toward perfection. Treat perfection like a process, not an achievable state.